End user trust management

Protecting your business from the inside out.

Business need

Organisations handle large amounts of commercially sensitive data, sometimes personal information, through their business systems. Whilst external attackers are widely recognised as a risk, businesses must also look inward to truly protect against data loss or leakage. Often, this is accidental – data loss or business disruption caused by user error operating unfamiliar systems or visiting unsecure websites. But unfortunately, businesses can fall victim to malicious intentions too, whether a disgruntled employee attempting to sabotage operations, or the extraction of sales leads or IP for use in a competitive organisation. Your response requires more than just end user device security.

How can you protect your business against insider threats or accidental data loss? Having an acceptable use policy in place is the start, but how will you ensure this is being adhered to? The answer lies in implementing the right end user security technologies and access controls to back up your policies and monitor employee behaviour. Keeping a watch on all of this can be challenging and time consuming to manage, especially as remote and hybrid working is now commonplace and employees work beyond the perimeter of the company network. Outsourcing end user security as part of a SOC solution can be an effective way to save resource and enjoy peace of mind.

How we help

We work with you to establish user profiles and privileges so that your employees have access only to the business systems they need to carry out their roles.

The service technologies we integrate into your systems act as a safety net to paper policies, flagging up any rules that are being breached and assisting end user trust management.

Continuous protective monitoring means we can alert you to repeated deviations from policy by individuals, building up a behaviour profile.

Web security filters can also be implemented to ensure controls are in place beyond the company network for remote workers

An audit trail linked to user privileges provides employee accountability – helping to identify the cause of data loss quickly and easily and take appropriate action.

With experts on guard 24/7, we can provide a quick response to any threats detected before they escalate to data loss or business disruption.

DLP controls prohibit sensitive data being taken off site, whether by download onto external media or by email to personal accounts.


Real-time monitoring of user behaviour

Instant alerts on insider threats

Audit trails provide user accountability

Reinforce policies with technology controls

Easily manage end user device security & privileges

Managed by our expert team as part of our SOC service

Our universe of SOC solutions

Our Managed Services align you with a world-class security operations centre (SOC) solutions tailored to your business and budget. Both tech and team work in tandem to solve security challenges, combining intelligent analysis with vigilance and real-time remediation. Proud to deliver affordable, enterprise-grade solutions, we have a SOC for everyone.

Following an initial assessment of your IT environment, needs and budget we define a suite of bespoke SOC offerings that includes the right balance, number, and combination of solutions to meet your business objectives.


2 protections


3 protections


4 protections


5 protections


6 protections


Our entry-level offering, Essential SOC services help your business take the first steps to stronger security. Preventative tech, managed by an expert team, reinforces what you have today.

Essential SOCs


Our Professional SOC services take your security to the next level by identifying, investigating and quarantining threats both inside and outside your business.

Professional SOCs


A bespoke, premium service, our Enterprise level SOC offering delivers proactive cyber threat hunting, analysis, and remediation in real-time. It’s the ultimate in IT protection.

Enterprise SOCs

The SOC to fit your need and budget

We don’t believe in a one-size-fits all approach to security, which is why we offer a wide range of SOC solutions, each tailored to specific business needs and categorised into three options depending on your projected security spend. If you’re looking to improve end user security we recommend exploring these options:

Essential: Mars

dlp, siem

Monthly charge: £4,431


  • All software licenses and upgrades for Data Leakage Prevention and Security Information and Event Management
  • 4 award-winning technologies
  • Proactive defence
  • Reactive defence: automated
  • Reactive defence: incident response playbooks


  • Achieve regulatory compliance
  • Improve end user trust management
  • Protection for remote workers
  • Prevent data loss
  • Protect against policy violations

Professional: Saturn

vm, siem, ar, ids

Monthly charge: £6,304


  • All software licenses and upgrades for Security Information and Event Management, Vulnerability Management, Anti-ransomware and Intrusion Detection System
  • 2 award-winning technologies
  • Proactive defence
  • Reactive defence: automated
  • Reactive defence: incident response playbooks


  • Reduce supply chain risks
  • Protect business services

Enterprise: Uranus

dlp, vm, siem, mdr, ar

Monthly charge: £11,081


  • All software licenses and upgrades for Security Information and Event Management, Managed Detection and Response, Data Loss Prevention, Vulnerability Management and Anti-ransomware
  • 6 award-winning technologies
  • Proactive defence
  • Reactive defence: automated
  • Reactive defence: incident response playbooks


  • Reduce supply chain risk
  • Improve end user trust management
  • Intellectual Property and brand management
  • Protection for remote workers

What could a breach cost your business?

Our Cyber Incident Calculator is designed to help you understand the financial implications of a breach for your business and support a business justification for your security investment.

Try it now

Recruitment company avoids losing customer database

7 M

data records compromised each day

21 %

average amount of IT budget spent on security

56 %

of businesses impersonated by attackers

99 %

of data leakage attempts blocked

David is a successful account manager and has been head hunted by a rival firm. Before handing in his notice he decides to export the companies client list, which he keeps as a local copy on his laptop. David is working from home and he knows of a number of ways to export this data. He first tries exporting the data to his personal USB stick which is blocked in real-time, he then tries printing the client list which is also blocked.

As a final measure he attempts to upload the data to his personal Dropbox account.

The SOC team monitor David’s activity in real-time and notices that whilst the activity was blocked, it clearly indicates a level of persistency by the end user and escalates the incident to the client.

The SOC team also search the SIEM system which monitors other systems including network, firewall, server and endpoint protection. The analysts confirm there are no indicators that an external attacker has a foothold on David’s laptop and are fraudulently acting as him.

7 million data records compromised each day.

The average firm now devotes 21% of its IT budget to cyber security – a jump of 63%

56% of businesses have had attackers impersonating their organisation

99% of data leakage attempts blocked