
Fixed price security maturity and risks analysis review.

Action-based report to improve your security maturity

SecureStart is a detailed examination of your security posture to understand where you may be exposed to risk, followed by recommendations about how best to respond based on time and budget considerations.

Cybersecurity challenges are different for every business, but the one constant is the speed of change. The threats you encountered a year ago will not be the same today. They are smarter, sneakier, and more malicious, and will take the time to seek out any gaps in your security defences. For that reason, it’s never been more essential for you to have a clear understanding of where these security vulnerabilities exist and how you can close them up.

Six steps to security success

Engage – We set the scope and context of the project with you and ensure you fully understand our process before we begin.

Qualify – Following up our findings, we qualify the captured data to ensure nothing has been missed.

Review – We go through everything with you in detail and review your roadmap to determine if we can customise this even further for your business.

Establish – We work with you to identify your current and target operating state.

Analyse – The information we accrue is keenly analysed, our recommendations are presented along with any opportunities to save cost, and a transitional roadmap is provided.

Deliver – Your final report is delivered to you.

Don't be in the dark about security maturity

Our SecureStart audit takes a wide-ranging look at your IT estate to determine your security posture. We benchmark your security maturity, qualify the effectiveness of your current measures, and help you identify a target for the protection you would like. The SecureStart Findings enable us to offer pragmatic guidance on how to remediate the gaps discovered and an urgency flag guides the most critical issues.

The focus of SecureStart is not just on the here and now. Our insights help us to make recommendations to enhance your security posture according to your business objectives and propose a roadmap to help you get there in a timeframe to suit you.

Helping you see the road ahead

Importantly, our goal is to help you maximise existing security investments first, ahead of seeking anything new. But technology alone will not close all the gaps that exist in your defences. Your people and your processes play an equally influential role in keeping your business safe, particularly where compliance or regulatory standards are at stake. SecureStart takes all three of these areas into account and provides guidance for how each can be improved in line with the ambitions of your business.

Download your free example SecureStart report

What can you learn from a SecureStart report? Download an example copy to discover the full detail and benefits included within the report.

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