Expert services

Expert examination of your IT defences

Rigorous assessments to refine protection

Our expert services establish the effectiveness of your existing security defences and offer important guidance to help fortify them. When it comes to your security, it’s essential to stay on top of vulnerabilities to ensure your business remains protected. We’re ready to help your security live up to its full potential.

Assessment overviews

Through rigorous assessments we interrogate your defences to spot weaknesses, build stronger security or help you manage the fallout of an attack.


A thorough assessment of your existing posture, SecureStart identifies gaps, flags issues, and provides best practice recommendations for how to improve.

Penetration testing

Penetrating testing challenges your perimeter’s defences by attempting to breach them using the same techniques as cybercriminals.

Breach & incident assessment

Call on us in a crisis to assess the situation, mitigate any impact to your business, and support a swift recovery.

Root and branch security review

Our expert services consist of several assessments that evaluate your IT security. Whether spotlighting specific protections or conducting an entire analysis, we can be as focused or as in-depth as you like. We even offer critical response in the event of an emergency to help you ensure the problem never reoccurs.

Comprehensive reports to get you ready

Following the completion of your defence assessment, we will produce a comprehensive, priority-based report to help you improve your security posture. They detail our findings, immediate actions, and future recommendations, so you’re fully equipped to reinforce your protections and start managing specific risks.