Penetration testing

Assess network cyber resilience

Put your perimeter and internal technologies to the test

Zepko penetration testing assesses the strength of your IT environments by attempting to infiltrate, bypass, or hack it using standardised penetration techniques.

Any part of your business’ network could be vulnerable to a cyber-attack at any time. And as more threats emerge and more entry points into your environment are discovered, it’s important to ensure your environment remains airtight. If there’s a gap in your defences you don’t know about, there’s a chance someone could find it before you do.

Equally, we can ensure your people are reacting carefully and correctly following due process upon receiving tantalising emails, our phishing testing helps highlight any stragglers.

It’s not enough to trust the protections you have in place without proof they’re doing their job. A tried and tested way of determining whether your IT infrastructure is sufficiently secure is by testing it out on a regular basis. That’s where we come in.

The pen testing process

Working closely with you, we determine the approach you would like us to take. This can be internal or external-focused, or both, and can be as simple or as complex as you choose. We can either concentrate our efforts on specific systems, or take on the challenge of exploiting you based solely on your domain name. Once scoped and agreed, we execute the test following the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES).

Enhance the review with SecureStart

While penetration testing is a popular method of appraising your security posture, it’s also fairly restrictive. Narrow focused, it only examines your perimeter, and overlooks other important potential vulnerabilities. By combining your pen test with a SecureStart audit, you’ll instead gain a comprehensive view of the gaps that exist throughout your environment and pragmatic guidance on how best to secure them.

See the proof in a penetration testing report

Following the execution of your penetration test, we deliver a detailed report that outlines the issues we’ve identified, the risks associated with those issues, and our recommendations for how to improve your network security. We then schedule regular reviews with you to make certain any additional measures you choose to implement are tested at a later date and your perimeter measures remain cyber resilient.

Download your free example penetration testing report

What can you learn from a penetration testing report? Download an example copy to discover the full detail and benefits included within the report.

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