Policy violations

Nurturing a culture of security

Security threat

Cyber attacks are a near-constant source of anxiety for business leaders because frequently they can seem beyond the organisation’s control. Fortunately, there are plenty of areas of your security that you can take charge over, by engaging with your colleagues, explaining the benefits of good cyber hygiene and putting workable and acceptable use policies and procedures in place.

Much of your organisation’s security starts from within. Nurturing a culture of awareness, appropriate behaviour and secure hybrid working practices amongst your workforce goes a long way in protecting your business. It is now the norm for companies to have a cyber security policy and IT acceptable use policy in place. But how can you ensure that users understand them and are adhering to them?

Policy violations can take all manner of forms – from unauthorised download of software and shadow IT to sharing logins or accessing personal communications on company devices. Even if violations aren’t carried out with malicious intent, they can have severe consequences if data is leaked or if malware is inadvertently let into the network. Monitoring is vital to identify when rules are broken, by who and how often, so that the right course of action – whether user training or disciplinary procedure – can be taken.

How we help

We advise on best practices for end user security, helping you to devise and implement an acceptable use policy and other cyber security protocols that protect your business.

We help you implement non-invasive technologies and services to allow your employees to do their jobs, whilst guiding them on the right behaviours.

An audit trail linked to user privileges provides employee accountability – helping to identify attempted policy deviations quickly and easily, and enabling you to take appropriate action.

End user trust management delivered as part of our SOC solutions helps protect your business from internal threats.

We work with you to establish user profiles and privileges so that your employees have access only to the business systems they need, enforcing your policies through technology controls.

Continuous monitoring and monthly reporting means we can alert you to repeated deviations from policy by individuals, building up a behaviour profile.

We place a number of protective agents on user devices including DLP and web security filters – not only protecting them but drawing information into the SOC for continuous monitoring.


Keep a close watch on employee behaviours.

Promote accountability and a diligent approach to cyber security.

Take appropriate action when policies are violated.

Assistance delivering effective cyber security policies. underwritten by SOC-driven services.

Confidence that changes won’t go unnoticed.

Traceability so that changes can be rectified.

Our universe of SOC solutions

Our Managed Services align you with a world-class security operations centre (SOC) solutions tailored to your business and budget. Both tech and team work in tandem to solve security challenges, combining intelligent analysis with vigilance and real-time remediation. Proud to deliver affordable, enterprise-grade solutions, we have a SOC for everyone.

Following an initial assessment of your IT environment, needs and budget we define a suite of bespoke SOC offerings that includes the right balance, number, and combination of solutions to meet your business objectives.


2 protections


3 protections


4 protections


5 protections


6 protections


Our entry-level offering, Essential SOC services help your business take the first steps to stronger security. Preventative tech, managed by an expert team, reinforces what you have today.

Essential SOCs


Our Professional SOC services take your security to the next level by identifying, investigating and quarantining threats both inside and outside your business.

Professional SOCs


A bespoke, premium service, our Enterprise level SOC offering delivers proactive cyber threat hunting, analysis, and remediation in real-time. It’s the ultimate in IT protection.

Enterprise SOCs

The SOC to fit your need and budget

We don’t believe in a one-size-fits all approach to security, which is why we offer a wide range of SOC solutions, each tailored to specific business needs and categorised into three options depending on your projected security spend. If you’re looking to reduce policy violations we recommend exploring these options:

Essential: Mars

dlp, siem

Monthly charge: £4,431


  • All software licenses and upgrades for Data Leakage Prevention and Security Information and Event Management
  • 4 award-winning technologies
  • Proactive defence
  • Reactive defence: automated
  • Reactive defence: incident response playbooks


  • Achieve regulatory compliance
  • Improve end user trust management
  • Protection for remote workers
  • Prevent data loss
  • Protect against policy violations

Professional: Saturn

dlp, vm, siem, ar

Monthly charge: £5,534


  • All software licenses and upgrades for Security Information and Event Management, Vulnerability Management, Data Loss Prevention and Anti-ransomware
  • 5 award-winning technologies
  • Proactive defence
  • Reactive defence: automated
  • Reactive defence: incident response playbooks


  • Reduce security costs
  • Achieve regulatory compliance
  • Prevent data loss
  • Protect against policy violations

Professional: Saturn

dlp, vm, siem, mdr

Monthly charge: £9,789


  • All software licenses and upgrades for Security Information and Event Management, Managed Detection and Response, Data Loss Prevention and Vulnerability Management
  • 6 award-winning technologies
  • Proactive defence
  • Reactive defence: automated
  • Reactive defence: incident response playbooks


  • Prevent data loss
  • Prevent web attacks
  • Protect against policy violations

What could a breach cost your business?

Our Cyber Incident Calculator is designed to help you understand the financial implications of a breach for your business and support a business justification for your security investment.

Try it now

Rail operator defends against a ransomware attack

37 %

of organisations reported a ransomware attack in 2021

£1.3 m

average remediation cost in 2021

58 %

of attacked businesses paid the ransom

21 %

of IT budgets devoted to cyber security on average

100 %

of customers protected with sub second automated defence

Tony opens an email attachment from a known client; unfortunately his client’s laptop has been compromised and he opens a document infected with ransomware.

The ransomware starts to encrypt his shared folders, but in a sub-second response his desktop is quarantined by our anti-ransomware system which alerts the SOC team in real-time.

The SOC team notified the client’s IT team and commence incident response processes, using their SIEM they performed root cause analysis which identified the entry method of the malware (via email). The SOC obtained a copy of the malware for analysis in their malware labs, they detonated the malware safely to study its behaviour and identify its spreading mechanism to find it was wormable (able to spread across the network on open ports to vulnerable systems). The SOC also investigated the IPS alarms to identify any call backs to command and control servers.

Armed with this knowledge the SOC guided the IT Team during the recovery process to ensure the malware was not persistent and did not reinfect the systems after recovery or reattempt encryption.

37% of organisations reported a ransomware attack in 2021

Average remediation cost in 2021 was £1.36M

One in 6 of those attacked was hit with a ransom and 58% paid up

The average firm now devotes 21% of its IT budget to cyber security – a jump of 63%

100% of customers protected with sub second automated defence