Insider threats

Protect your business from the inside out

Security threat

Quite rightly, many businesses are concerned about threats that come from outside the organisation – attempts to hack into the network. But in focusing on defending against outsiders, insider threats can sometimes be overlooked. The truth is that internal threats contribute to over 60% of security incidents in business.

Insider threats are not always malicious, sometimes they are simply user error. Internal security threats can range from a disgruntled employee attempting to steal data to take to their next role, to accidental clicking of a phishing link in an email, or a temporary contractor accessing your WiFi on their own infected device. Any of these could have serious consequences if undetected.

In the past, many IT teams used arbitrary protections to restrict user devices and behaviours for fear of these risks. Conservative approaches like this hamper users and stifle productivity however. Now, the concept of ‘trust but verify’ offers a more positive approach to end user security. Considered use of policies, backed up with technology to enforce access controls and monitor end users, offers the ideal solution.

How we help

We help you implement non-invasive technologies and services to allow your employees to do their jobs, whilst guiding them on the right behaviours.

DLP controls prohibit sensitive data being taken off site, whether by download onto external media or by email to personal accounts.

Continuous monitoring means we alert you to repeated deviations from policy by individuals, building up a behaviour profile.

We place a number of protective agents on user devices including DLP and web security filters – not only protecting them but drawing information into the SOC for continuous monitoring.

We work with you to establish user profiles and privileges so that your employees have access only to the business systems they need to carry out their roles but can do so easily.

With experts on watch 24/7, we provide a quick response to any threats detected before they result in data loss or business disruption.

End user trust management delivered as part of our SOC solutions helps protect your business from internal threats.

We monitor every insertion point on the network through a powerful combination of best-in-class technologies and human intellect – protecting against security risks from third-party suppliers, customers or temporary workers.


Security without disruption to day-to-day work

Employees are governed by policy, enforced through technology

‘Trust but verify’ approach to end user security

Monitoring quickly picks up suspicious behaviour

Users feel protected in their roles

Your network secured – inside and out

Our universe of SOC solutions

Our Managed Services align you with a world-class security operations centre (SOC) solutions tailored to your business and budget. Both tech and team work in tandem to solve security challenges, combining intelligent analysis with vigilance and real-time remediation. Proud to deliver affordable, enterprise-grade solutions, we have a SOC for everyone.

Following an initial assessment of your IT environment, needs and budget we define a suite of bespoke SOC offerings that includes the right balance, number, and combination of solutions to meet your business objectives.


2 protections


3 protections


4 protections


5 protections


6 protections


Our entry-level offering, Essential SOC services help your business take the first steps to stronger security. Preventative tech, managed by an expert team, reinforces what you have today.

Essential SOCs


Our Professional SOC services take your security to the next level by identifying, investigating and quarantining threats both inside and outside your business.

Professional SOCs


A bespoke, premium service, our Enterprise level SOC offering delivers proactive cyber threat hunting, analysis, and remediation in real-time. It’s the ultimate in IT protection.

Enterprise SOCs

The SOC to fit your need and budget

We don’t believe in a one-size-fits all approach to security, which is why we offer a wide range of SOC solutions, each tailored to specific business needs and categorised into three options depending on your projected security spend. If you’re looking to protect your business from internal threats we recommend exploring these options:

Essential: Mars

siem, ids

Monthly charge: £4,788


  • All software licenses and upgrades for Intrusion Detection System and Security Information and Event Management
  • Award winning technology
  • Proactive defence
  • Reactive defence: automated
  • Reactive defence: incident response playbooks


  • Reduce supply chain risk
  • Prevent phishing attacks
  • Defend against insider threats
  • Prevent network intrusion

Essential: Mars

siem, mdr

Monthly charge: £6,874


  • All software licenses and upgrades for Managed Detection and Response and Security Information and Event Management
  • Award-winning technology
  • Proactive defence
  • Reactive defence: automated
  • Reactive defence: incident response playbooks


  • Prevent phishing attacks
  • Defend against insider threats

Enterprise: Neptune

dlp, vm, siem, mdr, ar, ids

Monthly charge: £12,934


  • All software licenses and upgrades for Vulnerability Management, Data Loss Prevention, Managed Detection and Response, Security Information and Event Management, Anti Ransomware and Intrusion Detection System
  • 7 award winning technologies
  • Proactive defence
  • Reactive defence: automated
  • Reactive defence: incident response playbooks


  • Reduce security costs
  • Improve cyber resilience
  • Protect your ecommerce business
  • Defend against insider threats

What could a breach cost your business?

Our Cyber Incident Calculator is designed to help you understand the financial implications of a breach for your business and support a business justification for your security investment.

Try it now

Telecoms company's network perimeter evades attack

1 m

attacks against the Log4J vulnerability

21 %

of IT budgets devoted to cyber security on average

72 hours

for customer to be patched and protected


data leakage/ compromise

Following the discovery of the Log4J vulnerability attackers attempt to discover vulnerabilities on perimeter facing systems with intention of installing Cobalt Strike to gain a foothold on these systems.

On identification of the Log4J vulnerability, the SOC initiated a critical threat advisory to the client and initiated perimeter and internal scans for this vulnerability.

The SOC team liaised with the client’s IT department and third parties to ensure that systems were appropriately patched in accordance with the vendor guidance for the software and systems operating on their networks.

The SIEM system was used to monitor for any indicators of compromise through correlation of the client’s security log feeds.

Patching and vulnerability management is basic security good practice and part of expected security due diligence.

1M+ attacks against the Log4J vulnerability

The average firm now devotes 21% of its IT budget to cyber security – a jump of 63%

Customer patched and protected in 72 hours

0 data leakage / compromise

One in six firms attacked in the past year said they almost went under. The threat is a complex one, But, like other business risks, it can be managed. The key is to build cyber resilience.